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Why I Have Gun Tattoo -Cynthia Morgan



Cynthia Morgan has carved a niche for herself in the music industry. The dancehall artiste recently caused some uproar in the industry with her raunchy photo shoots. Apart from Have Gun that, the eccentric actress has gun tattoo on her body and many people wonder why she decided to go that way.
In this interview, the beautiful songstress Tattoo speaks on her career and personal life.

You have been tagged sexy. What does this mean to you?
I think sexy is that aura that you carry around you before people say it. It is what people see. First of all, you must be sexy inside before people recognise it. Though sexy is not my priority now, I try to be real as possible.

Musically, how has it been for you?
It has been great. I have been like six years in the game now and it has been work, work and work all through. We are getting there; despite that it is not easy for female artistes. But when people respect your talent and your style is different with faith in God, one will go places. Professionally, I started when I was seventeen. I did my first collaboration with General Pype when I was seventeen years. I also featured alongside Jhybo when I was nineteen in 2009/2010. I am 22 now.

So, what will you now say is your strong point?
My strength lies in my sound and talent. You can’t have a brand and not have a sound and, either way, I think the two work hand in hand. My strength also lies in God because you could create something outstanding and people may not notice it without the favour of God. So, my strength lies in God, talent and brand.

You sing dancehall. What inspires your kind of music?
People say I do dancehall. I will say I listen to R&B, Pop, Jazz, Rap while growing up. My mum is a gospel artiste and growing up I was able to pick from different genres of music I listened to. I basically do everything but people notice that I do a lot of dancehall. So you can’t really box me into any particular genre of music. I personally created my genre of music. Every new material from me is a different kind of Cynthia Morgan and people have come to appreciate that. I always want to wow my fans because there is more to Cynthia Morgan.

Who would you say influenced you early in life?
My grandparents, my mum and my uncles. I grew up with my grandparents being an only child and I don’t have a father figure. I can say I inspire myself to an extent because I wanted to be different; a figure that people would say she is able to do this for herself despite that she didn’t have this or that. Life is what made me who I am today. My mum is also a strong figure in my life and my story of being raised by a single parent transcends to who I am today.

Take music away, who is Cynthia Morgan?
A young lady that is quiet and homely. Personally, I love to be with my family and care for people. I dream for a living.
Fame has not changed anything in me. I try to be humble, I still call my friends. I have been able to manage the two and not get caught into doing what I am not supposed to do. I believe in God and love to make people happy. I believe whatever you can dream, you can get.

What inspired your songs ‘Don’t break my heart’ and ‘I’m taken’?
As a creative artiste, I get inspired with what is happening around me. When I am writing my songs, I concentrate on myself and my fans. Don’t break my heart is about me, to an extent. It’s a song that people do love because it connects with everybody. If you are in a relationship, the first thing that comes to your head is that ‘I don’t want this person to mess up’. ‘I don’t want to put my heart into it. I don’t want to do this; I don’t want to do that.’ It’s a common thing. But the depth in the song brought the whole message out. It’s about an African woman who is happily in love and who doesn’t want to be heart-broken. And with I’m taken, people think I am talking about relationship. I am saying I have been taken my fans. When you listen to the lyrics you will understand. I’m saying I’m in demand and I’m taken by my fans. It is good that people can relate it to other things.

What inspired your recent raunchy photo shoots?
Personally for an artiste, besides music, you have to be creative when it comes to your branding, your pictures, your performances and stage craft. Pictures are part of the things that brand an artiste. A lot of people say different kind of stuffs, but when you start something in Nigeria or in Africa, people start talking. We are in the 21st century and Nigeria is not like America. When I create a song, I can actually create the video in my head. So, it’s all about the craft and the branding. I wasn’t actually nude, I was wearing a tattoo and a pair of snickers. It’s just about being different and people are definitely going to talk. It’s part of the whole business. If they don’t talk, you don’t make money. So they just have to keep talking.

You have a gun tattoo on your body, what does it mean to you?
I am a fan of art and I am an artiste. It is all about creativity. I have a gun tattoo and I know that girls normally wear roses and heart tattoos, but I am a different kind of person because I am Cynthia Morgan which stands for being distinct. My tattoo represents violence in music; it’s just a symbol that confirms the image of a bad girl.

Criticisms have trailed your skin bleaching. How do you feel?
People who complain about my skin tone are clearly those who do not know me very well. I did not bleach my skin. One thing people fail to understand is that you cannot remain the same forever. The only constant thing is change. I have grown into a beautiful woman.

How will you describe your style?
In as much as I try to be in vogue. I like to wear what I am comfortable in. My style is colourful and young.

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