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What Does Success Mean to You?



I recently had a thought-provoking conversation with a C-Suite leader who asked me a profound question: “Dayo, what does success mean to you?” As I contemplated this question, a flood of emotions and memories rushed through my mind.

The best definition of success I have come across is from Earl Nightingale, who defines it as “the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal.” He explains that if someone is working towards a predetermined goal and knows where they are going, they are successful. If they are not doing that, they are considered failures. Therefore, success can be seen in a teacher who passionately teaches because that is their calling or an entrepreneur who starts their own company to pursue their dream.

For me, success is not limited to material wealth or reaching the pinnacle of my career. It encompasses a deeper and more meaningful journey that revolves around serving God, finding happiness, achieving fulfillment, making a positive impact, and experiencing personal growth and self-actualisation.

I believe life consists of eight vital areas: spirituality, family, health/fitness, career/business, financial/wealth, friends/relationships, self-actualisation/personal fulfillment, and legacy/contribution to society. True success means being wealthy in all these areas, not just financially prosperous.

Being successful is not only about achieving my own goals but also helping others succeed. It involves building connections, forming bonds with loved ones, cultivating friendships, and making a positive difference in the lives of those around me.

Happiness, the ultimate measure of success, stems from inner contentment and joy. It comes from aligning my actions and choices with my values, living authentically, and embracing the power of gratitude. Fulfillment, on the other hand, comes from pursuing my passions, nurturing personal growth, and constantly evolving as an individual.

Accomplishment is another integral part of my definition of success. It involves setting audacious goals, pursuing dreams with determination, and celebrating milestones along the way. It also means being recognized and respected in my field, signifying the impact I have made through my expertise and contributions.

Mentoring others and engaging in charitable and philanthropic endeavors are essential components of my pursuit of success. Additionally, dedicating time and resources to charitable causes allows me to give back to my community and make a positive difference in the lives of those in need.

Yet, success is not a solitary endeavor; it thrives in the connections we form with others. True success lies in the bonds we build with loved ones, the friendships we cultivate, and the positive impact we make in the lives of those around us.

Self-actualisation, to me, is the ultimate form of success. It is the journey of realising my full potential and becoming the best version of myself. It goes beyond external achievements or societal expectations and delves into the realm of personal growth and fulfillment. Self-actualisation is about aligning my actions, beliefs, and values with my authentic self, allowing me to live a life that feels purposeful and meaningful.

I have come to realise that success is not an endpoint but a continuous journey. It is about embracing growth, evolving, and constantly redefining what it means to be successful. It is about moving from success to significance and leaving a lasting impact on this beautiful journey we call life.

As I reflect on my definition of success, I invite you to embark on your own journey. What does success mean to you personally and how has that definition evolve over time? What values shape your path? Embrace the power of introspection, align your actions with your values, and let your definition of success guide you towards a life filled with happiness, fulfilment, and significance.

PS: Dr Dayo Olomu, HR Leader | Learning & Organisational Development Consultant | Executive Coach | Leadership Expert | Best Selling Author | Global Speaker | Founder, Dayo Olomu Foundation, UK | Chair, Black on Board Community | Member, Board of Studies, St Augustine’s College of Theology, UK | Member, Parochial Church Council, St Alban’s Church, South Norwood, London.

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